The Exit 6 Panel return to look at three films that made it through to the Exit 6 Official Selection 2019. Find out why the panel selected Tangle, Kaleidoscope, Special Delivery and All This Love. Also for those who missed the festival last year we catch up on the filmmaker Q&A highlights from the day.
Directed Malihe Gholamzadeh
A life of a girl in war.

Direct by Nicole Pott
A young boy has his care free childhood changed when he inadvertently witnesses something on his 7th birthday.

Directed by Robert Hackett
A weary postman trudges through the snow, making deliveries to all but one door.

Directed by Ben Adam-Harris
In this animated music video, a skeleton struggles to let go of an ex.

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The Exit 6 Film Festival Podcast is proudly produced by Face TV with music by Joe Williams.